The High Price of Poor Air Filtration
Irregular maintenance of HVAC systems, including the replacement of air filters can frequently be deprioritized to cut costs in a competitive business climate. Making the choice to defer maintenance may initially improve your bottom line but ultimately increases the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Using old filters places the performance of the equipment at stake and energy costs rise due to increased resistance. Understanding the importance of regular filter maintenance and complying with a routine replacement schedule will allow you to better predict and manage the overall operational costs of your business.
A few things to consider:
- Energy provider PG&E recommends regular filter maintenance as the #1 way to save energy in commercial and industrial buildings.
- According to multiple government agencies, as much as one half of energy spending is connected to moving air.
- According to OSHA, two of the most common Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) concerns are:
(1) Not enough ventilation and a lack of fresh outdoor air or contaminated air being brought into the building
(2) Poor maintenance of ventilation, heating and air-conditioning systems - Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), is a term used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building. A World Health Organization Committee report suggested that up to 30 percent of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be the subject of excessive complaints related to IAQ. (1) It is widely accepted that poor IAQ results in less productive employees.
Dafco Filtration Group partners with expert representatives who understand how to create the best-fitting solution for needs while staying within your budget. We will work with you to...
- Upgrade your system for better efficiency and lower energy consumption,
- Decipher local code and compliance issues to ensure your system is functioning effectively,
- Educate you and find the solution you need that accounts for material purchased, labor spent and energy consumed and,
- Improve the filtration to avoid lost productivity and absenteeism as a result of poor IAQ.